Angle Tracker is a tool that analyzes a player's matches to find the hottest locations on each map. The idea is to help players discover which angles they hold best and notice patterns that reveal common places they forget to check. It also analyzes how well they follow up on ability uses (this is mostly for duelists and initiators) in order to help them figure out the most effective ways to use their utility. Players love looking at their KDA on each map with each gun, and with this tool, they will be able to examine their KDA by their specific location on the map, by gun, following certain ability uses by them or a teammate, and much more. To summarize, this application is best described as a data analysis tool that allows players to improve their game sense by showing them what type of play style yields the most efficient result for them. Ideally, as the user base expands, more players can contribute more data to a central data analysis system that can show top angles by rank, map, character, and more.